Lingxiao Wang

I'm an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, Louisiana.

I graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida Campus with a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Dec. 2021 and a M.S. in Electrical Engineering at Dec. 2017. I was advised by Dr. Shuo Pang.

My research involves Robotics, Autonomous Systems, and AI. I focus on developing intelligent decision-making models to navigate/control robots using AI methods.

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I'm interested in topics related to the AI and robotics integration, including Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Large Language Models, Reinforcement Learning, Robot Learning, and Tranfer Learning.

My current and past research projects include the following:

AI-based Robotic Odor Source Localization

2018 - Current, Principal Investigator
Latech, ERAU

This project leverages various AI techniques to design a navigation model to guide a robot in finding a hidden odor source location with onboard vision and olfaction sensors.

Wildfire Early Detection with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

2021 - Current, Researcher
LaTech, ERAU

The core of this project is to integrate Computer Vision and Robotic Olfaction to enable a robot (i.e., a drone) "see" and "smell" the environment to detect early wildfire locations.

Chemical Plume Tracing with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

2018 - 2022, Research Assistant

This project focuses on developing navigation algorithms (i.e., chemical plume tracing algorithms) to control an autonomous underwater vehicle to discover hydrothermal vents within ocean environments.

This project was collaborated with Dr. Guangyu Xu at Applied Physics Laboratory of University of Washington.

Multi-Agent Collaboration and Robot Localization

2020 - 2022, Research Assistant

This project involves designing Multi-Agent Collaboration Algorithms for controlling a fleet of robots and Sensor Data Fusion Algorithms for Robot Localization.

Notation: 📝 Paper | 🔍 Grant | 🎓 Student Graduation | 🎤 Research Talk


  • 📝 03-24-2025: Our paper, entitled "Enhancing Wildfire Detection via Trend Estimation Under Auto-Regression Errors" is published on Mathematics.

  • 📝 03-14-2025: Our paper, entitled "Semantic Odor Source Localization via Visual and Olfactory Integrated Navigation" is accepted on IEEE International Conference on AI, Robotics, and Control (AIRC 2025). See you in Savannah, GA!

  • 🎤 03-13-2025: I gave a Panel Talk (pic) at the S&P CERAWeek to introduce our Robotic CO2 Monitoring System and discuss how to enhance the connection between the academia and industries. Thanks for Dr. Ashwith Chilvery's hosting!

  • 🔍 02-28-2025: Our project, entitled "Empowering the Future Workforce of Electrical Engineering for Louisiana Energy Industry", is selected to be funded by NSF FUEL. Thanks!

  • 📝 02-18-2025: Our two papers, entitled "Deep Learning-Based Aerosol and Ocean Data Retrieval from Satellite Polarimeter Measurements" and "Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning Approaches for Predicting Thermomechanical Behavior of Shape Memory Polymers", are accepted on IEEE Southeastcon 2025. See you in Charlotte, NC!

  • 🔍 01-13-2025: Our project, entitled "CO2 Monitoring via an Integrated Robotic and Sparse Sensor System", is selected to be funded by NSF FUEL. Thanks!

  • 📝 01-11-2025: Our paper, entitled "A Knowledge-Driven Framework for Robotic Odor Source Localization using Large Language Models", is published on Robotics and Autonomous Systems.

  • 2024

  • 📝 12-10-2024: Our paper, entitled "Integrating Vision and Olfaction via Multi-Modal LLM for Robotic Odor Source Localization", is published on Sensors.

  • 🔍 08-02-2024: Our project, entitled "Predicting New Thermoset Shape Memory Polymers via Transformers and Graphic Neural Networks", is selected to be funded by Louisiana LAMDA Seed Grant. Thanks!

  • 🎓 06-27-2024: My first Master student, Sunzid Hassan, successfully completed his thesis defense "Robotic Odor Source Localization using Vision and Olfaction Sensing". Congras!

  • 🔍 06-21-2024: Our project, entitled "Deep Learning-Based Aerosol and Ocean Parameter Retrieval from Polarimeter and Lidar Data", is selected to be funded by Louisiana Space Grant Consortium. Thanks!

  • 📝 04-05-2024: Our paper, entitled "Robotic Odor Source Localization via Vision and Olfaction Fusion Navigation Algorithm", is published on Sensors.

  • 📝 04-04-2024: Our paper, entitled "Deep Learning-based Wildfire Smoke Detection using Uncrewed Aircraft System Imagery", is accepted on IEEE UR 2024.

  • 🔍 04-02-2024: Our project, entitled "Advancing Embodied AI for Enhanced Robotic Odor Source Localization", is selected to be funded by Louisiana Board of Regent. Thanks!

  • 🎤 01-12-2024: I give a research talk, entitled "Robotic Odor Source Localization via AI Methods", at the CAR Lab of University of Delaware. Thanks for Dr. Weisong Shi's hosting!

  • 2023

  • 📝 12-11-2023: Our two papers, entitled "Multi-modal Robotic Platform Development for Odor Source Localization" and "Robotic Odor Source Localization via End-to-End Recurrent Deep Reinforcement Learning", are accepted on IEEE IRC 2023 Conference.

  • 📝 06-25-2023: Our paper, entitled "Vision and Olfactory-Based Wildfire Monitoring with Uncrewed Aircraft Systems", is accepted at the IEEE UR 2023.

  • 📝 04-01-2023: Our paper, entitled "Learn to Trace Odors: Robotic Odor Source Localization via Deep Learning Methods with Real-world Experiments", is accepted at the IEEE SoutheastCon 2023.

  • 📝 02-06-2023: Our paper, entitled "Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Based Chemical Plume Tracing via Deep Reinforcement Learning Methods", is published on Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.

  • 2022

  • 🎉 09-01-2022: I start a new position of Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at Louisiana Tech University.

  • 🎉 01-12-2022: I start a new position of Visiting Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

  • 2021

  • 🎓 12-30-2021: I obtain my Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
  • 📂 AI-based Odor Source Localization

    A Knowledge-driven Framework for Robotic Odor Source Localization using Large Language Models
    Khan Raqib Mahmud, Lingxiao Wang, Sunzid Hassan, Zheng Zhang
    Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2025

    We present a Knowledge-Driven framework to use large language models to process olfactory sensor data in odor source localization problems.

    PDF | Citation
    Integrating Vision and Olfaction via Multi-Modal LLM for Robotic Odor Source Localization
    Sunzid Hassan, Lingxiao Wang, Khan Raqib Mahmud
    Sensor, 2024

    Developed a multi-modal navigation system that employs an LLM to process both visual and olfactory sensor readings to find a hidden odor source.

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    Robotic Odor Source Localization via Vision and Olfaction Fusion Navigation Algorithm
    Sunzid Hassan, Lingxiao Wang, Khan Raqib Mahmud
    Sensors, 2024

    Proposed a Hierachical Control framework to control a robot finding the odor source by coordinating obstacle avoidance, vision-based navigation, and olfaction-based navigation behaviors.

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    Multi-Modal Robotic Platfrom Development for Odor Source Localization
    Sunzid Hassan, Lingxiao Wang, Khan Raqib Mahmud
    IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), 2023

    Presented a robotic platform developed for the odor source localization task with both visual and olfactory detecting capabilities.

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    Robotic Odor Source Localization via End-to-End Recurrent Deep Reinforcement Learning
    Lingxiao Wang, Shuo Pang
    IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), 2023

    Integrated Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (TD3) with recurrent neural network (RNN) and implemented in the robotic odor source localization task.

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    Learn to Trace Odors: Robotic Odor Source Localization via Deep Learning Methods with Real-world Experiments
    Lingxiao Wang, Ziyu Yin, Shuo Pang
    IEEE SoutheastCon, 2023

    Designed a Deep Learning model for End-to-End control of a mobile robot in finding the odor source location.

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    Robotic Odor Source Localization via Adaptive Bio-inpsired Navigation using Fuzzy Inference Methods
    Lingxiao Wang, Shuo Pang
    Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2022

    Improved the traditional moth-inspired odor source localization algorithm with a fuzzy inference system to adaptively change search parameters and behaviors.

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    Learn to Trace Odors: Autonomous Odor Source Localization via Deep Learning Methods
    Lingxiao Wang, Shuo Pang, Jinlong Li
    IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), 2021

    Trained two neural networks, FNN and CNN, using Supervised Learning to control robots in finding odor source locations.

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    Olfactory-based Navigation via Model-based Reinforcement Learning and Fuzzy Inference Methods
    Lingxiao Wang, Shuo Pang, Jinlong Li
    IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2020

    Designed a robot navigation algorithm for finding a hidden odor source. Two steps are involved: 1. Source & Plume Mapping (fuzzy inference) 2. Path Planning (RL).

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    An Implementation of the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for Odor Source Localization
    Lingxiao Wang, Shuo Pang
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2020

    Designed an End-to-End robot control model for finding odor source location using ANFIS.

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    📂 Wildfire Early Detection with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

    Enhancing Wildfire Detection via Trend Estimation Under Auto-Regression Errors
    Xiyuan Liu Lingxiao Wang, Jiahao Li, Khan Mahmud, Shuo Pang
    Mathematics, 2025

    Enhance wildfire detection via predicting bounding boxes locations of smokes using the trend estimation.

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    Deep Learning-based Wildfire Smoke Detection using Uncrewed Aircraft System Imagery
    Khan Raqib Mahmud, Lingxiao Wang, Xiyuan Liu, Jiahao Li, Sunzid Hassan
    IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), 2024

    Presented a new vision-based wildfire smoke detection from drone's imageries, which involves image segmentationa and object detection to reduce the false alarm rate.

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    Vision and Olfactory-Based Wildfire Monitoring with Uncrewed Aircraft Systems
    Lingxiao Wang, Shuo Pang, Mantasha Noyela, Kevin Adkins, Lulu Sun, Marwa El-Sayed
    IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), 2023

    Equipped a drone with both olfactory (smoke detector) and visual (camera) sensors to detect wildfire existence.

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    📂 Chemical Plume Tracing with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

    Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Based Chemical Plume Tracing via Deep Reinforcement Learning Methods
    Lingxiao Wang, Shuo Pang
    Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2023

    Present a deep reinforcement learning-base decision-making model to combine bio-inspired and engineering-based odor source localization algorithms.

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    3-Dimensional Hydrothermal Vent Localization based on Chemical Plume Tracing
    Lingxiao Wang, Shuo Pang, Guangyu Xu
    IEEE Oceans, 2020

    Designed a 3-D hydrothermal vent localization algorithm using moth-inspired navigation method for using on autonomous underwater vehicles.

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    Chemical Plume Tracing using an AUV based on POMDP Source Mapping and A-star Path Planning
    Lingxiao Wang, Shuo Pang
    IEEE Oceans, 2019

    Design a chemical plume tracing algorithm for locating hydrothermal vents using A-star and POMDP source mapping algorithms.

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    📂 Multi-Agent Collaboration and Robot Localization

    Coordination of Distributed Unmanned Surface Vehicles via Model-based Reinforcement Learning Methods
    Runlong Miao Lingxiao Wang, Shuo Pang
    Applied Ocean Research, 2022

    Designed a multi-agent coordination algorithm for controlling multiple unmanned surface vehicles in detecting moving objects.

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    AUV Navigation Based on Inertial Navigation and Acoustic Positioning Systems
    Lingxiao Wang, Shuo Pang
    IEEE Oceans, 2018

    Implemented Extended Kalman Filter and Unscented Kalman Filter to determine AUV locations based on IMU (acceleration), Doppler Velocity Log (velocity), and Short Baseline (position) measurements.

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    Teaching is a cornerstone of my academic career. I'm teaching courses related to Control Theories, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics. I offer the following courses per academic year:

    ELEN 471: Automatic Control Systems

    Every Fall Quarter 🍂
    Electrical Engineering, LaTech

    Syllabus: This course is an introduction to automatic control systems. You will learn (i) how to develop mathematic models, (ii) use various numerical methods to analysis control systems, and (iii) develop different controllers to control the system.

    Teaching Evaluation: 4.0/4.0 (Reports: 2022 | 2023 | 2024)

    ELEN 472/572: Introduction to Digital Control Systems

    Every Winter Quarter
    Electrical Engineering, LaTech

    Syllabus: This course focuses on digital control systems. We will cover (i) digital signals, (ii) digital system modeling, (iii) digital control theories, and (iv) real-world examples of digital control systems.

    Teaching Evaluation: 3.9/4.0 (Reports: 2022 | 2023)

    ELEN 451/CSC 499: Hands-on AI and Robotics

    Every Spring Quarter 🌱
    Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, LaTech

    Syllabus: This course is an introduction of AI, focusing on hands-on experience of various AI techniques. You will learn various AI techniques, covering the past 20-year AI developments. Each topic comes with a real-world example to demonstrate how to use AI techniques to solve real-world problems.

    Teaching Evaluation: 4.0/4.0 (Reports: 2023)

    🎓 Graduate Students (as 2024)

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    Khan Mahmud

    Ph.D. in CS

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    Alexander Isiani

    M.S. in CS

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    Cheston Sturdivant

    M.S. in EE

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    Sunzid Hassan

    Ph.D. in CS

    🧑‍🎓 Undergraduate Students (as 2024)

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    Hoang My Le

    B.S. in EE

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    Hannah McPherson

    B.S. in EE

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    Norma Olinde

    B.S. in EE

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    💼 Alumni (as 2024)

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    Luke Roger

    2022 B.S. in EE

    Now at NASA

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    Updated in 03-24-2025 | Website Template